


Cookies are used on the Celloptimum website. Cookies are small text files stored on the visitor's computer that can be used to track what the visitor does on the site. There are two main types of cookies: 1) a permanent cookie that remains on the visitor's computer for a specified period of time. 2) a session cookie that is temporarily stored in the computer's memory while a visitor is on a web page. Session cookies disappear when you close your browser.



Celloptimum uses cookies to improve the site for the visitor eg. by tailoring the site to the visitor's desires, choices and interests, being able to help you keep track of the goods you have placed in your shopping basket, be able to manage your purchase, ensure that the visitor has logged into the website and thereby avoid logging into every new page he visits, to be able to customize our services so that you receive advertising that is relevant to you and to fulfill our commitments when purchasing. Permanent cookies are used, among other things, to customize and make information and marketing as relevant as possible to you. Session cookies are used, among other things, for the purpose of registering statistics on the use of the website. By agreeing to Celloptimum's general terms and conditions and using the Celloptimum website, you consent to the processing of cookies as stated here. If you do not accept cookies being used, you can turn cookies off in your browser's security settings. You can also set your browser so that you get a query every time Celloptimum's website tries to place a cookie on your computer. The browser can also delete previously stored cookies, see the browser's help pages for more information. Furthermore, you can manually delete cookies from your hard drive at any time.



If you no longer wish to use cookies, you can turn cookies off in the settings of your browser. You can also set your browser to be prompted every time Celloptimum's website tries to place a cookie on your computer. You can also use your browser to delete previously stored cookies.

How you delete cookies depends on which browser you use.

If you use a PC, cookies can be deleted using the [CTRL] + [SHIFT] + [Delete] shortcut.

If it does not work or if you are using a MAC, you may go to the cookie information sites for this browser, for more information:

  • Internet Explorer
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Google Chrome
  • Opera
  • Safari
  • Flash cookies

Please note that if you choose not to use cookies, the functionality of certain parts of the website is limited.

Produced by: Wikinggruppen

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