Lose weight with collagen

Lose weight with collagen
Supplements with collagen to lose weight:
COLLAGEN - KETO DIET WITH MCT FAT - is a dietary supplement that helps you lose weight while counteracting sagging skin with visible cellulite.
Collagen is a protein found naturally in the body. In recent years, it has become a popular nutritional supplement. Collagen supplements are primarily known for their benefits to skin health. But if you're looking for ways to lose weight, you may have heard that a collagen supplement can help.
So far, not much research has been done on collagen supplements and weight loss. But there is some evidence that collagen can indirectly help you lose weight. If you want to use collagen for weight loss, read on. This article will explain the science behind this effect.
What is collagen?
Collagen is an important structural protein that makes up 25-30% of the proteins in the body. It contributes to the structure of the connective tissue:
- skin
- cartilage
- tendons
- ligament
- muscles
- bone
- blood vessel
What is natural collagen?
Collagen is made up of amino acids, which are considered the building blocks of protein. The amino acids glycine, proline and hydroxyproline account for 57% of the total amino acids in collagen.
Amino acids are shaped like chains. In collagen, the amino acids are tightly twisted like a rope, which makes collagen extremely strong and stable.
In the body, collagen is produced naturally by cells called fibroblasts. Optimal collagen formation requires that you get enough high-quality protein and vitamin C in your diet. You can also get collagen directly by eating certain foods or by consuming supplements with collagen peptides.
Do supplements with collagen come from animals?
Collagen supplements come from animals such as fish and cattle. The benefit of these supplements is that they help your body rebuild collagen. Types of collagen supplements include:
Gelatin, or boiled collagen, is made by heating collagen for a long time. The heat breaks down collagen and forms smaller proteins.
Hydrolyzed collagen
If the proteins are further broken down into amino acids, it is called hydrolysed collagen. This form can also be called hydrolyzed gelatin, collagen peptides or collagen hydrolyzate.
Undenatured collagen
Undenatured collagen is intact and has not been degraded.
Collagen supplements come in several forms:
- Pill
- Gummies
- Powder
- In packaged foods or beverages
Can Collagen Help Lose Weight Fast?
There are studies that have shown that a collagen supplement can aid in weight loss and help maintain a healthy weight. Collagen:
- Promotes satiety
- Collagen supplements can increase satiety or the feeling of being full. This can help you lose weight by reducing feelings of hunger, and therefore indirectly affects how many calories you eat in a day. Collagen can have this effect because it is a protein. According to studies, it has been seen that collagen increases satiety hormones such as glucagon and cholecystokinin, as well as ghrelin, which is a hunger hormone.
Cholecystokinin (CCK) is a peptide hormone that is mainly secreted from the upper small intestine during food intake.
Glucagon is a blood sugar-regulating peptide hormone in the body that is formed in the pancreas. Glucagon is secreted when blood sugar levels are lowered and increases the glucose concentration in blood plasma, mainly by stimulating the breakdown of the liver's glycogen stores, which leads to the release of glucose; glucagon also stimulates new synthesis of glucose.
Ghrelin is a hormone produced in the human stomach that stimulates appetite.
- An increased protein intake can also increase thermogenesis, which affects satiety and energy expenditure. Higher protein diets can stimulate muscle protein anabolism, which favors the retention of muscle mass and at the same time improved metabolic profile.
Can Collagen Help Build Muscle?
Building muscle is an important part of sustainable weight loss. This is because muscles burn more calories at rest, increasing total calorie expenditure.
Taking collagen supplements can help reduce body fat by increasing muscle mass. Remember that collagen is the main structural protein in your muscles.
Several studies show that those who took collagen peptides experienced a greater improvement in muscle mass and strength. They also lost more fat mass than the placebo group (those who did not receive collagen supplements).
These results suggest that collagen supplementation may support the loss of body fat by enhancing the effects of strength training by contributing to increased muscle mass.
Can collagen prevent fat cells from getting bigger?
It has been seen in some studies that collagen can reduce the development and accumulation of adipocytes or fat cells. Fat cells or adipocytes are the cells in the body that specialize in storing fat in the form of triacylglycerols in droplets in the cytosol, which can take up a large part of the cell and crowd out the cell nucleus. The fat functions as both energy and insulation in the body and can be released if necessary. The fat cells form adipose tissue (fat tissue). Fat people have both more and larger fat cells than people of normal weight. However, the fat cells do not disappear during weight loss. They decrease in size, but remain in the same number
One study found that collagen reduces body fat in humans. The amount of fat lost was small, but suggests potential benefits for weight loss.
Similarly, in another study, collagen peptides had an anti-obesity effect in mice. The researchers linked this effect to improved fat metabolism and reduced fat accumulation.
In another study, the researchers also found that collagen hydrolyzate (also called collagen peptides) reduced fat cell size and weight gain in rats.
Can collagen relieve joint pain with obesity and increased physical activity?
Collagen supplements may indirectly aid weight loss by reducing joint pain. Healthy joints are needed to move comfortably during exercise and daily activities. Engaging in more regular physical activity can then in turn support weight control.
In one study, the researchers found that collagen peptides can counteract osteoarthritis. Arthritis or osteoarthritis is a joint disease that affects the entire joint. It involves structural changes of cartilage, bones close to joints, ligaments, joint capsule, synovium (joint membrane) and surrounding musculature. When your joint cartilage wears down, it causes joint pain and stiffness.
In a study done on athletes, collagen peptides reduced knee joint pain related to physical activity. If joint pain prevents you from exercising, you may want to start with a collagen supplement.
What other beauty and health benefits does collagen have?
Collagen supplements have other potential health benefits. Collagen can:
- improve skin elasticity and reduce sagging skin during weight loss
- reduce wrinkles in the skin
- increase skin hydration
- reduce bone loss
- improve brittle nails
- increase hair health
Is taking collagen supplements while losing weight beneficial for hair, skin and nails?
Yes, the collagen found in food supplements with other vitamins and minerals can counteract hair loss, a looser skin and poorer nail quality. In case of weight loss, the body does not prioritize hair, skin and nails, but focuses more on supplying other organs with nutrition. Taking extra collagen can therefore be beneficial for those who want to maintain firm skin, thick hair and healthy nails.
Are collagen supplements safe?
Research on the negative side effects of collagen supplements is lacking.
It can also be difficult to know if a collagen supplement contains the ingredients it claims to have. It is also possible that collagen supplements may contain:
- heavy metals (such as cadmium)
- microbial contamination
- doses other than those indicated on the label
Therefore, always choose a serious manufacturer of dietary supplements.
In summary about collagen and weight loss
Collagen supplements may indirectly promote weight loss by:
- increasing saturation
- to regulate fat metabolism
- to increase the effect of strength training which results in increased muscle mass
- relieve joint pain, making it more comfortable to exercise
But collagen supplements are not magic or a substitute for healthy habits. For sustainable weight loss, it is still important to eat well, exercise regularly and get enough sleep.
If you want to start with a collagen supplement for weight loss, we can recommend a dietary supplement with collagen peptides and MCT-Fat.