Collagen and heavy metals

Collagen and heavy metals
Celloptimum only uses registered brands of collagen® from the two WORLD LEADING manufacturers of collagen that guarantee the highest quality. Which means, among other things, that all collagen from CELLOPTIMUM is tested for heavy metals (such as lead, mercury and cadmium), tests that strictly follow the regulatory requirements.
Foreign substances are substances that may be present in food and that have not been added on purpose. Such substances can occur in food as a result of processes and handling in the various stages of production, or come from packaging, transport or facilities. They can also be due to environmental contamination in the raw materials, such as heavy metals.
Since foreign substances can often pose a risk to human health, the levels of the substances must be minimized in food. Depending on which raw materials are included in food supplements, limit values for several foreign substances may be relevant, and one such raw material is collagen.
Limit values for foreign substances are regulated. Foodstuffs regulated by law may not be placed on the market if they contain a level of a foreign substance that exceeds the specified limit value. They may also not be used as food ingredients.
What are heavy metals?
Metals with high density are called heavy metals. Some of the heavy metals are essential trace elements for humans and other organisms. These heavy metals include iron, zinc, cobalt and copper. There are also heavy metals that are harmful to humans, and these are lead, cadmium, mercury, silver and uranium.
Other metals and compounds with metals are also harmful to health, for example aluminium, tin and inorganic arsenic. Metals are found naturally in the bedrock, in the soil, groundwater and waterways. Metals are also unintentionally spread through, among other things, air pollution from industrial activities and combustion processes. By eating cultivated foods and foods from herbivorous animals, we get the metals. Collagen is a dietary supplement (food) that is made from animals such as cattle, fish, pigs and chicken.
Limit values for heavy metals in collagen and dietary supplements
Dietary supplements based on certain raw materials can pose a risk because the raw materials have high levels of foreign substances, for example heavy metals. Heavy metals are elements and therefore cannot be broken down. They constantly circulate in a cycle between soil, plants and groundwater.
Heavy metals can be found in arable land that has been contaminated by, for example, irrigation with water containing unwanted substances. They can be taken up by the crop through the root system. In herbivores fed on contaminated crops, heavy metals can be enriched in certain internal organs.
In food supplements there are limit values for the heavy metals lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd) and mercury (Pb). Celloptimum only uses collagen that complies with these low limit values and guarantees a collagen supplement that complies with the strict regulatory framework regarding the limit values of heavy metals in collagen peptides.
Lead (Pb)
For most people, grain products, fruits and vegetables make up a high proportion of total lead intake. Shellfish and some mushrooms can contain high levels of lead. Game mince can also contain high levels of lead if there are lead residues in the meat near the bullet hole. Throwing honey in older throwing equipment with lead solders can also carry a risk of lead being transferred to the honey.
After prolonged exposure to high levels, lead can cause kidney damage and negative cardiovascular effects.
Cadmium (Cd)
Cadmium is found naturally in bedrock and soil. Also through air pollution and the use of, for example, commercial fertilizers, cadmium is brought into our environment and farmland. For most people, potatoes, grains, and vegetables contribute the largest intake of cadmium. The brown parts under the shell of crab, some mushrooms and offal can contain very high levels.
After a long time with a high intake of cadmium there is a risk of damage to the kidneys. Being exposed to cadmium is also thought to increase the risk of osteoporosis/fractures. Cadmium is also classified as carcinogenic to humans.
Mercury (Hg)
Through food, we get mercury above all through lean predatory fish such as tuna, swordfish, perch, pike, zander and tench. Mercury can be present in food as methylmercury and as metallic mercury. Methylmercury is the most harmful form. Fish contains methylmercury. Large, old predatory fish have higher levels of methylmercury than younger, small predatory fish and herbivorous fish.
Mercury is one of the most dangerous environmental toxins. It causes damage to the brain, brain development and the central nervous system. Children are more sensitive than adults, and the fetal stage when the brain and nervous system are developing is the most sensitive period.
Why is it important to buy your collagen from a reputable manufacturer?
By purchasing your collagen supplement from a reputable manufacturer of collagen supplements that carries out sampling and analysis, you as a consumer can protect yourself against high levels of heavy metals.