Collagen balls - hazelnuts

Collagen balls - hazelnuts
Collagen balls for full hair and reduced hair loss
This is a simple and delicious recipe filled with healthy ingredients! A good recipe for On-The-Go food, which you can easily take with you in your bag, as a snack, and which fills you up well when you don't have time to cook something small in the afternoon. Or when you just simply fancy something small. The recipe contributes to:
- Beautiful and healthy skin, with less wrinkles and increased elasticity
- Shiny, thick and healthy hair
- Strong and beautiful nails
- Getting rid of cellulite
- Healthy, strong and mobile joints
- Optimal stomach and intestinal function
- Healthy teeth and healthy gums
- A strong skeleton
- 10 scoops of collagen powder
- 1/2 dl organic sweet almonds (30 g)
- 1/2 cup organic cashews (30 g)
- 1/2 cup organic hazelnuts (30 g)
- 1 dl organic coconut milk 17% fat (100 g)
- 1 dl organic peanut butter (approx. 100 g)
- 2 tablespoons organic cocoa (20 g)
- 2 tablespoons organic coconut syrup (40 g)
- 3 dl organic oatmeal* (105 g)
- 2/3 dl organic coconut flakes to roll the balls in (30 g)
* Oatmeal does not contain gluten, but if you are allergic to gluten, make sure the oatmeal is labeled with the word gluten-free/free from gluten. WHY? Gluten-free oatmeal is oatmeal that is specially handled, from seed, via cultivation and threshing to manufacturing, so that the risk of mixing other types of grain is eliminated. The oats are grown on specially selected farms and the fields must not have been cultivated with other crops such as wheat, rye and barley in the previous two years. The fields are inspected and harvesting and manufacturing take place under strict quality control.
Mix 1 dl of oatmeal together with the hazelnuts, sweet almonds and cashews into small pieces.
Mix the peanut butter, coconut syrup and coconut milk in a saucepan. Heat under low temperature, until it becomes a smooth batter. Remove the pan from the plate. Pour in the cocoa together with the mixed oatmeal, hazelnuts, sweet almonds and cashews, in the saucepan. Mix the whole batter together. Pour in 10 scoops of collagen powder and mix well. Finally, pour in the unmixed oatmeal. If you think the dough is too sticky to roll into balls, you can pour the dough onto a plate and put it in the refrigerator for about 10 minutes, so that it becomes firmer and easier to roll into balls.
Make about 20 balls and roll them in organic coconut flakes. Store in refrigerator.