Collagen smoothie with strawberries

Collagen smoothie with strawberries
Collagen smoothie that contributes to healthy and smooth skin with less visible lines
This is a really good and simple beauty smoothie that contributes to:
- Beautiful and healthy skin, with less wrinkles and increased elasticity
- Shiny, thick and healthy hair
- Strong and beautiful nails
- Getting rid of cellulite
- Healthy, strong and mobile joints
- Optimal stomach and intestinal function
- Healthy teeth and healthy gums
- A strong skeleton
Strawberries have benefits for the skin as they contain ellagic acid and vitamin C, both of which are powerful antioxidants. Strawberries protect us from UV damage and thus prevent the body's collagen from being destroyed. The content of strawberries also prevents wrinkles and fine lines, making our skin look healthier and younger.
By consuming grapefruit, which is included in the recipe, your body stimulates the production of cholecystokinin (CCK) – a hormone known to effectively suppress your appetite.
White tea has been shown in studies to be able to break down fat deposits in the body, but also prevent the formation of new fat tissue in the body.
This is what you need:
- 1 scoop COLLAGEN
- 1 1/2 dl freshly squeezed juice from a large organic grapefruit (150 g)
- 1 dl organic strawberries (50 g)
- 1 1/2 dl white organic tea with any flavor
Here's how to do it:
Boil water, let cool a little before adding your tea*. Let your tea steep until it cools. Blend the strawberries with the freshly squeezed grapefruit juice in a blender along with your cold tea, then pour in 1 scoop of collagen powder.
Mix all the ingredients with some ice if you want the smoothie ice cold, alternatively you use frozen strawberries, served in a glass with a straw!
*The temperature affects the taste of the tea sometimes less and sometimes to the point of being undrinkable. Lighter tea requires a lower temperature and darker tea requires a higher temperature. For white tea, green tea and yellow tea use between 50°–85°C, for oolong teas and black teas use up to boiling water, between 90° – 100°C.