kollagen collagen tarmhälsa celloptimum maghälsa gut health prebiotika prebiotics glutamin

Collagen - intestinal health & stomach health

Collagen - intestinal health & stomach health The small intestine is the center of the immune system and the environment in the intestine can also cause symptoms in completely different parts of the body. About...
IBS, tarmhälsa och kollagen gut health collagen celloptimum

IBS, gut health and collagen

IBS, gut health and collagen IBS means that there is a disturbance in the way the bowel works and its sensation - sensitive bowel. IBS is an abbreviation of the English irritable bowel syndrome, and...
Kollagen, inulin, prebiotika & tarmhälsa collagen inuline prebiotics gut health celloptimum

Collagen, inulin, prebiotics & gut health

Collagen, inulin, prebiotics & gut health Inulin is a water-soluble dietary fiber (prebiotic) with positive effects on the intestinal microbiome (intestinal flora) and your overall intestinal health. It is also believed to help regulate fat...
Kollagen - IBS, Chrons & Ulcerös colit celloptimum collagen

Collagen - IBS, Chron's & Ulcerative Colitis

Collagen - IBS, Chron's & Ulcerative Colitis Collagen and its health benefits for your gut health Struggling with intestinal problems and don't know what to do? Maybe you've tried many different things, but nothing seems...
Kollagenkomplex för tarmhälsan collagen complex gut health celloptimum

Collagen complex for gut health

Collagen complex for gut health Are you tired of feeling constipated and bloated? Do you want to improve your general well-being and increase your energy levels? Then you may need to add some supplements to...
Kollagen för läckande tarm collagen leaky gut celloptimum

Collagen for leaky gut

Collagen for leaky gut Collagen is traditionally associated with radiant skin, shiny hair and strong nails. However, as medical and health research digs deeper, it has discovered many other benefits of collagen, which extend far...
bloating förstoppad collagen kollagen

Collagen and constipation

Collagen and constipation Collagen is seen by many as the "perfect" sports and anti-aging supplement - but like anything you eat, there is a potential for side effects. That's why we answer a question we...
kollagen magbesvär klimakteriet post menopause collagen celloptimum

Collagen - stomach upset in menopause

Collagen - stomach upset in menopause Stomach discomfort in menopause | Menopause and upset stomach | The collagen When you have hormonal problems, it is more important than ever to take care of your digestion....
kollagen collagen läckande tarm leaky gut celloptimum

Collagen and glutamine - leaky gut

Collagen and glutamine - leaky gut Have you heard about the incredible health benefits of L-glutamine? Glutamine has long been used in powder form by people training in the gym who want to build and...
Kollagen, läckande tarm och gluten leaky gut collagen celiaki celloptimum glutamin glutamine prebiotika prebiotics

Collagen, leaky gut and gluten

Collagen, leaky gut and gluten Gluten and leaky gut Some doctors deny that leaky gut exists, while others claim that it is at the root of many health conditions and diseases. Leaky gut is still...
Kollagen, läckande tarm och IBS collagen leaky gut ibs celloptimum

Collagen, leaky gut and IBS

Collagen, leaky gut and IBS Leaky gut and IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) – sensitive stomach Do you often have a stomach ache and suffer from diarrhea or constipation? Have you been diagnosed with irritable bowel...
Magproblem - kollagentillskott för magbesvär gut problem celloptimum supplements collagen kollagen

Stomach problems - collagen for the stomach

Stomach problems - collagen for the stomach Stomach problems - what are the most common symptoms? Stomach problems, such as stomach cramps, bloating, gas, diarrhea and constipation can, among other things, be due to stress...