C-vitamin & dess fördelar för huden skin celloptimum kollagen collagen supplements

Vitamin C & its benefits for the skin

Vitamin C & its benefits for the skin Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin that our body can neither manufacture nor store. We therefore need to get vitamin C through the diet,...
akne kosttillskott collagen kollagen celloptimum acne supplements

Acne - the best supplements

Acne - the best supplements Acne is an inflammatory skin disease that is common among teenagers, but can also affect adults. This skin problem can affect mental health, leading to anxiety, depression and low self-esteem....
Magnesium & diabetes typ 2 collagen kollagen celloptimum supplements kosttillskott

Magnesium & type 2 diabetes

Magnesium & type 2 diabetes Many people may think that diabetes is caused by consuming too many sweets. Unfortunately, however, it is not so simple that you can think that you can avoid diabetes simply...
Melanin och UV-skydd uv-protection celloptimum supplements kosttillskott

Melanin and UV protection

Melanin and UV protection Melanins are a group of pigments that give rise to the color in our skin, in our hair and in our eyes. While melanins have several functions in our bodies, probably...
Viktminskning och alkohol weight loss and alcohol collagen kollagen celloptimum

Weight loss and alcohol

Weight loss and alcohol Drinking alcohol is both social and cultural for us humans. And some studies suggest that alcohol may have health benefits. For example, red wine can reduce the risk of heart disease....
Kollagen - akne & hudproblem skin problems collagen acne

Collagen - acne & skin problems

Collagen - acne & skin problems If you're interested in improving and maintaining skin health, you've probably heard of collagen's benefits for the skin – many people use collagen for acne scars, wrinkles, dry &...
Håravfall hos kvinnor celloptimum kollagen collagen hair loss women

Hair loss in women

Hair loss in women There are many reasons for female pattern hair loss. Everything from medical conditions, hormonal changes, stress, to nutritional deficiencies, can affect how your hair feels. It is not always easy to...
Orkeslös? Kosttillskott som ger energi tired supplements celloptimum kollagen collagen

Decrepit? Food supplements that provide energy

Decrepit? Food supplements that provide energy Many people feel tired or have no energy at some point during the day. Lack of energy can affect your daily activities and make you less productive. Perhaps it's...
Tjockt hår - de bästa kosttillskotten thick hair the best supplements celloptimum kollagen collagen

Thick hair - the best supplements

Approximately 55% of all women will at some point in their lifetime experience hair loss and thinning hair, while a majority of men go through some type of hair loss. In fact, poor nutritional intake,...
Zink - mineralets fördelar för din hälsa zinc mineral health supplements kosttillskott kollagen collagen celloptimum

Zinc - the mineral's benefits for your health

Zinc - the mineral's benefits for your health You may have heard that zinc helps with recovery from a cold, but this mineral is also needed by those who are not sick or have compromised...
Håravfall - vitaminer & mineraler hair loss vitamins minerals collagen kollagen celloptimum

Hair loss - vitamins & minerals

Hair loss - vitamins & minerals Hair plays an important role in people's physical appearance and self-esteem, so falling out and thinning can be devastating, especially when there doesn't seem to be anything you can...
Manligt håravfall och DHT male hair loss celloptimum collagen kollagen

Male pattern baldness and DHT

Male pattern baldness and DHT Male pattern baldness, or androgenic alopecia, is the most common type of hair loss among men. Hormonal factors appear to play a role, and in particular a male sex hormone...