kollagen collagen tarmhälsa celloptimum maghälsa gut health prebiotika prebiotics glutamin

Collagen - intestinal health & stomach health

Collagen - intestinal health & stomach health The small intestine is the center of the immune system and the environment in the intestine can also cause symptoms in completely different parts of the body. About...
Kollagen, tarmhälsa och alkohol collagen gut health alcohol celloptimum

Collagen, gut health and alcohol

Collagen, gut health and alcohol How does alcohol affect the microbiome – your gut flora? Can drinking damage the microbiome (gut flora)? How can I repair my microbiome (gut flora) if I drink too much?...
Tarmhälsa, din hälsa & kollagen gut health collagen celloptimum

Gut health, your health & collagen

Gut health, your health & collagen When you hear "gut health," you might automatically think of how well your stomach works to digest food. And while digestion is an important part of gut health, it...
Tarmhälsa, hudhälsa & kollagen gut health skin health collagen celloptimum

Gut health, skin health & collagen

Gut health, skin health & collagen You've probably heard the saying "you are what you eat" and that applies to your skin too. Studies have shown that our gut affects our health in many different...
Tarmhälsa, håravfall & kollagen gut health hair loss collagen celloptimum

Gut health, hair loss & Collagen

Gut health, hair loss & Collagen The gut-hair connection: Are imbalances in the gut the root of alopecia (hair loss)? Many people live a long time with hair loss. Sometimes with spontaneous regrowth, but often...
IBS, tarmhälsa och kollagen gut health collagen celloptimum

IBS, gut health and collagen

IBS, gut health and collagen IBS means that there is a disturbance in the way the bowel works and its sensation - sensitive bowel. IBS is an abbreviation of the English irritable bowel syndrome, and...
Kollagen, inulin, prebiotika & tarmhälsa collagen inuline prebiotics gut health celloptimum

Collagen, inulin, prebiotics & gut health

Collagen, inulin, prebiotics & gut health Inulin is a water-soluble dietary fiber (prebiotic) with positive effects on the intestinal microbiome (intestinal flora) and your overall intestinal health. It is also believed to help regulate fat...
Kollagen - SIBO & tarmhälsa collagen gut health celloptimum

Collagen - SIBO & gut health

Collagen - SIBO & gut health Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, also known as SIBO, is a common intestinal disease that is becoming more common. Often associated with IBS, SIBO is often implicated as the cause...
Tarmhälsa och maghälsa - kollagen gut health stomach health collagen celloptimum

Gut health and stomach health - collagen

Gut health and stomach health - collagen You've probably heard the term before, but you might be wondering, "What is GI and what does it stand for?" Gastrointestinal (GI) refers to something that belongs to...
Tarmflora, tarmhälsa och hjärnhälsa the gut-brain axis celloptimum kosttillskott kollagen collagen supplements tarm-hjärna axeln

Gut flora, gut health and brain health

Gut flora, gut health and brain health We live in a microbiotic world where we are constantly surrounded by bacteria, viruses and fungi - also called microbes. In our bodies there are several billion microbes...
Kollagen, prebiotika & tarmhälsa collagen prebiotics gut health celloptimum

Collagen, prebiotics & gut health

Collagen, prebiotics & gut health More and more of us are eating foods and supplements with collagen, probiotics and prebiotics, as well as lots of yogurt, kimchi, kombucha and more to get prebiotics or probiotics...
Tarmhälsa - tecken på en ohälsosam tarm gut health collagen sign symptoms celloptimum

Gut health - signs of an unhealthy gut

Gut health - signs of an unhealthy gut Microlexicon Microbe, collective name for microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and viruses. Microbiota/intestinal flora, the microbes present in a certain place constitute a microbiota. Microbiome, the genes...